Micro Arts Collection

July - October 2022BCS Moorgate, London (Prints)
7th - 26th June 2021LCB Depot, Leicester (Full Exhibition)

The Micro Arts Group was founded, run and programmed in 1984 by Geoff Davis, along with a diverse group of young artists and programmers. In the mid-1980s it released computer-generated art, conceptual pieces and story generators on data cassettes and Prestel TV Teletext, and provided a forum for computer artists and musicians. Micro-computers were newly available at low cost and led to a radical change in the use and consumption of computer graphics and computer-controlled systems. An exhibition of 20 prints and associated ephemera from relating to Micro Arts took place at the LCB Depot in Leicester in 2021 and went to BCS Moorgate in London in mid-2022. The exhibition is is now available showing elsewhere.
